OOB History at the Historical Society Section 1
with Brian Bergeron
Join volunteers from the Old Orchard Beach Historical Society at the Harmon Memorial Museum, home to numerous exhibits pertaining to Old Orchard Beach, including "Museum in the Streets," which depicts twenty-eight past and present views of OOB. Discover the history of the Pier, views and highlights of Ocean Park, and a Salvation Army display. Visit the Fire Room, which displays major fires from 1904 to the present, or view pictures of Charles Lindbergh's historic landing. These are just a few of the items of interest you'll see as you enjoy learning about OOB's storied past!
Taking photos of the displays is prohibited.
Metered parking available on Old Orchard St, free parking on Adelaide St, or in the lot behind OOB Town Hall (for the duration of the course only).
*Donations are not required but are accepted for the upkeep and maintenance of the museum and its collection.
W. Warren Harmon was active within the OOB community from 1915–1952 and wore many hats, including town treasurer, auditor, moderator, and superintendent of schools, as well as lifelong involvement in many local organizations. His home was bequeathed to the community in 1974 for exclusive use by the historical society and designated as the Harmon Memorial Museum.
Apr 16th, 2025
Wed from 1:00 - 2:30 pm