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College & Career Preparation
in Academics & Literacy
College & Career Preparation

Our comprehensive academic and advising program guides students to enrollment in post-high school education or training that results in a credential of value and high-quality employment. Participants will acquire the skills and knowledge to pursue their learning and employment goals.
Adults studying to earn high school diplomas receive help in transitioning to college, while adults who already have a high school diploma receive preparatory support for college.
Counseling, mentoring, and support services are provided to enable these adults to successfully transition to college and earn degrees.
Learn more about college, goal setting, skill development, financial aid applications, exploring career options, and more. Classes are offered to prepare adult learners for college-level coursework, all free of charge!
How to Get Started
Make an appointment with us! You can do any of the following to schedule an appointment:
- Call or text our Saco Learning Center at (207) 282-3846
- Email
- Visit our Google calendar to find a time that works for you
In your hour-long appointment, you will fill out paperwork and take an English comprehension test.
Essential Skills in Math, Reading & Writing

Courses in essentials help you refresh and increase your basic academic skills. Learn English, improve reading comprehension, practice writing, develop practical math skills and nurture otherlife skills toward the goal of completing high school, helping children with homework, or preparing for college or a new job.
How to Get Started
Make an appointment with us! You can do any of the following to schedule an appointment:
- Call or text our Saco Learning Center at (207) 282-3846
- Email
- Visit our Google calendar to find a time that works for you
In your hour-long appointment, you will fill out paperwork and take an English comprehension test.